Robert W. Frisch

September 11, 2023

Robert W. Frisch of Doylestown, PA passed away on September 11, 2023 at Penn Presbyterian Hospital. He was 75 years old and the husband of Maryanne Boyce.

Born in Philadelphia, Pa., he was the son of John and Bertha Frisch.

Robert was an avid sportsman his whole life. Embracing adventure, he traveled across the U.S., South Africa, Europe, New Zealand, and South America, hunting and fishing. He bonded with nature and was an excellent and ethical steward of both the land he owned and the lands he traversed. Bad jokes and puns were his forte and he didn’t hesitate to share them with his many friends. ln addition to hunting and fishing, he enjoyed traveling around the U.S. and made many family trips throughout the years. When flying, he always wanted the window seat so he could watch the earth drift by.

He was a member of the NRA, Safari Club International, and Ducks Unlimited and supported all these organizations. The world is not necessarily a great or interesting place without him.

ln addition to his wife, he is survived by his stepsons, Kenneth (Sue) Chadwick and Brian (Gitta) Chadwick and his grandchildren, Karlie, Kelton, and Ellie Chadwick. His extended family included Andy Schoeberl and Jason Schoonover, young men he was truly proud to know.

Services and interment were private.

If you knew him, celebrate his life your own way as will his family.



